Higher mark is not a gift.

I remember how one girl almost got a higher mark on her bachelor’s paper because she was pregnant. Like, the professor thought it was a nice gift.

It’s sort of is a decent move, but on the other hand, it’s not nice to other students.

How about students who work their asses off, barely sleeps, still writes a praiseworthy work?

How about students who has problems in family?

How about students who struggle with mental and physical illnesses?

How about every other student who worked hard on their paper?

Why they don’t get special treatment?

I don’t see how all those students were less special than mother-to-be. No one cares that you’re barely holding yourself together, because a baby in your family is in hospital. No cares that you’re fighting with depression. No one cares that you’re the only money maker in family. But if you’re expecting, hey, here’s a better grade, just because you most probably planned that baby, knew you’ll have to manage pregnancy and university.

And that professor…. How professional is to say something like that in front of other student? Having favourites is a normal thing, as much as I hate it, but, please, don’t show it that publicly. I get it, you hate most of the students, you hate your job, but giving a better mark just because you like babies? No.

I understand that being pregnant isn’t easy. But you’re not special unicorn. You’re a student, just like every one else in the university.





Describe me? Um….

When I get asked “How your friends would describe you?” I usually want to answer “I don’t have friends”.
But I realize that such answer is not right for those situations.
Obviously, I can’t say that they might think I’m mean, sometimes over-sarcastic creature whose empathy can be non-existent and who hates small talks.
So, I try to think of something and blurt out some random things, like, I’m kind and helpful….
And I add smile so I look better. 😀
And after all, who actually goes and tells their friends: “Hey, I think you’re very intellectual and hard-working”. Wait, most probably people do that.
Oh, I’m so out of my people skills.

Doctor, listen…..

How do you tell your doctor and convince him/her that you might be suffering from depression? How to admit that you might need help?

People admit that they feel burned out (which doesn’t mean that they are depressed but quite often it goes together), yet are afraid to admit to their co-workers, bosses, even themselves.

They feel like they need help, that the way how they’re feeling is not okay. No self help books help because they simply cannot concentrate while reading them. Exercising help only for that hour or so and half an hour after it. Eating healthy takes too much energy which they already don’t have. Good night sleep? Yeah, sleep 8 hours and nope, not so much energy anyway.

People are afraid of speaking up about such problems, because the judgemental crap that pours over them is hurtful.

But doctors should listen to their patients.

Bosses should listen to their workers.

People simply should listen and STOP give dumb advice (go out more, exercise, read this book, eat this, etc)*.



*If those advice helps someone, good! No one is the same.



What is that, a friend?

I hate that question, ‘do you have friends? Does you friends at home miss you?’

Why sometimes it’s easier to say that you don’t have friends?

Maybe it’s just me who does that. I say that I don’t have friends even though I kind a have a few (at least they consider them as such :)).

I guess it’s because it hurts less.

I’m so used to the fact that people, whom I consider as a friends, suddenly just leave me. Don’t call, ‘are always busy’, when I try to keep in contact, answers in one or two words…. So, I give up. And they let me.

So, that I guess means, that they weren’t real friends.

Maybe it’s my personality. Sometimes not the easiest, nicest, most emphatic…. And shy, introvert, sarcastic little outsider creature….

I don’t know who to call a friend. What is the definition of friend? Who do you call as friend, best friend?