Bus stop thoughts.

Half an hour. Alone at the bus station. I wasn’t cold, I bought a warm jacket and boots.

Honestly, I think I’ll do this every evening, I mean if the bus won’t come and I’ll have to sit that half an hour.

Why? It makes me come to terms that this is how my life is. It’s cold, dark and lonely. And I’m the only person to blame. I am here, I’ve stayed here even when I wanted to be gone. As I sit there and think, I see myself just existing, I’ve given up my hopes and dreams. I make decisions, for example, one of the decisions I made was that this Christmas I won’t give gifts, I’ll simply give money, I’ll put it in a blank, white envelope. Also, another decision – I won’t celebrate Christmas. I hate them. I might make a post about why I hate/don’t see anything special with Christmas.  If anyone (by that I mean my sister or brother) will invite me over, I’ll politely say no, thank you. It was my New Year’s resolution – to not celebrate those things.

As I sit there, I feel…. I can’t even explain. As if I’m put in this world even though I didn’t want to be here. No…not exactly. I’m just here.

I was on a short cruise ship with my friend (should I call her that?). Aside from terrible hungover at one morning, it was pretty nice. We talked about our childhood (we know each other for 20 or a bit more years). I envied her family and hated mine. She felt like my family doesn’t like me (it was hard to explain how she felt), that my family sort of neglected me. Whatever. Her current situation is worse than mine, so why do I even complain.

Don’t know what to do with my job. I guess I’ll stay even though I hate it, it’s killing my nerves. It’s not like I’d a job that I’ll be happy to go to. It’s like, what, 10% of all people who actually love their job? Good for them. If I can resign at 65, then I have 40 years left. Not that much.

You know, my mind is light. When you make those decisions, everything seems better.

On Friday I’ll go to a concert. I haven’t been to one in years. I’m almost sure that I’ll grow bored, then I’ll want to cry because of seeing all the people enjoying themselves while I’ll think “Can ground open and swallow me?” If I wouldn’t get a horrible hungover, I’d like to get drunk but I won’t.

Well, I guess all I left to do today is to go to sleep.



Reaction to an article…

Oh, I shouldn’t have opened Psychology Today…. Got stuck with my favourite topic – loneliness.

There’s this article “What Drives Our Loneliness?” and I’ll have quotes from there in this well, my reaction to the article?

 Research has shown that both perceived and actual social isolation were associated with increased risk of early mortality.

Oh, well, I’ll die faster than others. But waaiiit…. will people even notice that I’m dead?

Yet, loneliness isn’t something that we should take lightly.

We shouldn’t but rarely anyone has time to notice and help people who are lonely. We have home-work-home cycle and our own issues and problems that to care about someone else have become a pain in the ass. Who would want to hear about my loneliness, it would end up with my favourite phrase “You should go out more”. ‘Kay, now that will surely make me feel better (dramatic eye roll).

According to the Encyclopedia of Human Relationships, “the most broadly accepted definition of loneliness is the distress that results from discrepancies between ideal and perceived social relationships.” The key word here is perceived. Loneliness is not the same as being alone. Individuals can feel isolated or outcast in even the most social-seeming of circumstances. Alarmingly, one study in the United Kingdom, which surveyed millions of people, showed that one in 10 people didn’t feel they had a single close friend.

Oh, I can stand in the middle of the grandest party and feel so lonely that I’ll pull out my phone and read LinkedIn articles or play Sudoku. Ideal social relationships… I used to want a friend to whom I could call whenever I felt crappy but then I thought, “Why would anyone want to hear me whining about my stupid life?” Yes, sometimes I want someone to go shop with, travel somewhere but then I again think “Oh, please, you’d talk and talk, talk about all sorts of things and the person would just shut you out”. It happens in a lot of conversations, I very well feel when a person becomes disinterested. Even my parents don’t want to listen to me. One in 10? I am that “One”. It’s been what 20 years since I had my last real friend? And I’m just 25.

Studies have shown that lonely people have more fear of negative evaluation and often engage in overly cautious social behaviors that perpetuate their social isolation. Ironically, social media has even been linked with increased feelings of social isolation among young people.

I’m often considering deleting my Facebook account. If I write an article about some topic, no one reads it, but when a dumb post comes up, everyone “Likes” and shares it. I want to have a conversation there, but it won’t happen. Cautious social behaviour? “‘Keep your mouth shut” is my motto.

The isolation and comfort of contemporary society carry with it the risk of reinforcing psychological defenses that contribute to an inward, self-protective, and somewhat emotionally deadened way of being and living.

Individuals build certain psychological defenses to adapt to their early environment that can hurt or limit them in their current lives. These defenses can lead to feelings of alienation, isolation, and depression.

Well, self-protection, alienation, and isolation are my friends. Emotionally dead? My wish is to never cry again. I hate crying. Wait, my loneliness limits my current life? And here I thought it was my dark sense of humour. *Sarcasm. I’m still building my psychological defence, I’m trying to mould it into this “I need no person” thing.

An angry, erratic parent may have led us to stay quiet and retreat inward so as not to attract attention. An unavailable, distant or rejecting parent may have similarly caused us to retreat and try to be self-sufficient, taking care of our own needs. As adults, we maintain these adaptations even when they are no longer conducive to our current lives and relationships. We may be reluctant to trust again. We may harbor old fears of rejection, negative anticipation, or cynical views. We may project negative qualities onto others and practice caution in how we approach them.

My parents almost never had time for me. My older brother and sister rarely played with me. Maybe they did it more than I can remember, who knows.  I really have grown up to be the person who didn’t want to attract attention, that was what my sister did. I stayed quiet, my biggest dream was to become invisible. Self-sufficient? Since the age of 12? Partially even earlier. I was on my own. Problems at school? After moving I told no one about them because I knew my dad (he was the one who went to school’s parent meetings) would make it even worse and/or not even believe me. He believed teachers more. Negative anticipation? I don’t expect good things, I don’t think good things can happen out of nowhere. Fears of rejection are what makes me not engage in any activity with other people. I remember how I used to ask my family if we could go on a family trip, soon I stopped asking. We didn’t go on trips. Also, they sometimes became angry because of my suggestion, no idea why. I don’t expect Christmas to be nice, I hate Christmas.

In addition to having suspicious feelings toward others and self-protective attitudes toward ourselves, we tend to be self-critical, seeing ourselves in the same unfavorable ways we were seen or treated in our early lives. For example, if we felt invisible, burdensome, obnoxious, or unimportant in our family of origin, we may carry these shameful feelings inside us and listen to self-critical thoughts or “critical inner voices” that put us down in regard to new relationships.

The continuation for this quote is my jam.

These “voices” don’t just isolate us by criticizing us and diminishing our confidence, but also by tricking us into self-protecting. “Don’t trust her,” it says, “she’s probably using you.” “Stay home tonight. You don’t need the stress of going out and talking to people. Things are too hectic. You need your own space.” These voices can seem self-soothing when they entice us not to take chances, but they’re self-punishing the minute we listen to them. Even in a crowd of friendly faces, our critical inner voice can try to sabotage us into feeling alone, “No one here really knows what you’re like or who you really are. You have everyone fooled, don’t you?”

I’m kind person, I want to help anyone I can (myself not included) so to use me is quite easy. I always feel like people are using my kindness, there are few people whom I feel don’t do that. No really knows me – even my family doesn’t know me. I doubt they even know what’s my favorite music. I put on the mask (not really a mask, I sometimes like that side of me), I’m friendly, happy and sweet, yet inside I’m like a empty, dark can with a beetle inside that’s still alive and wants to be seen, wants to be heard, but the darkness is so comfortable that beetle is slowly giving up hope of ever be noticed. The inner critic is who I listen a lot. “They are only nice to you because it’s what polite; She only comes to you because you can look like you’re interested in her boyfriend issues…” and many more critics. Self-punishing is what I also I’m trying to do, for example, “You talk too much, tomorrow you will keep your mouth shut”.

These destructive attitudes and expectations can lead us to engage in distancing behaviors and adopt pseudo-independent tendencies that push people away. Our defense may be to toughen up and act like we don’t want anything from anyone anyway. Or, it may be to get shy and try to stay in the background. We may remove ourselves from others and indulge the feeling that we are a burden.

Ugh, how often I feel like a wounded animal who bites people and make them leave while at the same time, I want them to hug me and help me heal. And yes, self-sufficiency is my goal, I don’t want to rely on anyone. Burden? Oh, yes, yes, my thing. That’s why I don’t want to tell anyone about my issues because I feel like a burden.

Ultimately, we are driven to be inward.

In Creating a Life of Meaning and Compassion, we discuss inwardness as “a retreat into oneself.” In an inward state, a person adopts “a lifestyle characterized by a decrease of feeling for oneself and others, a reliance on painkilling habit patterns and substances, and a defensive, self-nurturing orientation toward life.” We seek satisfaction internally and spend our time engaging with our critical inner voice.

Me and my conversations with my inner critic, much fun, very nice. Defensive – it’s what I become when someone begins to talk about my life when someone dares to attack me with those same old phrases. Yet, no one asks why and what’s really going on, no one wants to crack the shell, no one wants to see the anger, self-hating, and pain. No one cares and that’s fine. I retreat from life, dullness is a comforting feeling. I sort of hate when I get excited about something when I  have some nice expectations. Yet, at the same time, I kill those emotions because I know that no nice things have to happen in my life. I’ll be fine with meeeh. No excitement and expectations, no disappointment. Exist, don’t live.

Our fight against loneliness is, therefore, more of an internal struggle than we may imagine. It is primarily a matter of being a friend to ourselves, standing up against our inner critic and challenging our core defenses. We must cultivate a compassionate attitude as we step out of our comfort zone and risk making a mistake or getting hurt. When we discover and befriend ourselves, we learn who we really are stripped of our defenses. And when we know ourselves, we are more inclined to form deeper friendships with others. We’re better able to create lasting connections that won’t repeat patterns from our past that reinforce old, negative identities.

Friend to myself, yeah, no, maybe. Compassion, this buzz word. I sometimes do challenge myself out of comfort zone, after all, I stayed in a crappy hostel for a week in another country. Did that make me proud? Yeah, it did a bit but then I remind that I’m 25 and I should be proud of having a stable income and education, not some lame trip. I do want to strip myself of my defences, this is what I’m sort of doing here while writing. I might know myself but I still repeat the same old pattern. I hate getting hurt and making mistakes. Making mistakes always cause judgment, I take too much to heart those mistakes. They remind me that I’m no good.

Maybe one day I’ll let people in if they’re willing to crack it and actually get in and stay. But I doubt it’ll happen. I want to let people in so they could tear me apart and I’d be that empty shell with no emotions, dreams, and feelings.




Waiting for bus

It’s a rainy evening, I’m waiting for a bus. The one that should be here never waits for the train so I have 30 minutes to sit and think about my life.

Is this how’s it’s gonna be? Will I ever have something normal?

My chest hurts from all the stress I had today. At one point at work my body just went into this “overwhelmed” mode. I couldn’t pull myself together. All I wanted was to grab my bag, coat and leave without looking back. It was too much. Yet, if I don’t have a job, I don’t know what can I do… I blame myself for not being a good specialist. I help people, at least sort of, it makes me feel good.

Now, wind blows in my face, I’m cold and tired, and I think “This is what I have for a life. I deserve this. It’s fine. I gave up dreams time ago.” It’s true, I don’t want my dreams anymore. They don’t matter, they’re for someone else. I’ll be fine with scraps. I’ve been cold since I remember myself. It’s either home that is cold, parents couldn’t buy warm enough clothes. Though, that’s one thing I want to change, I’ve bought myself boots and now I’m looking for a warm coat. But I doubt it’ll warm up the coldness in my chest.

Everything is gray. My mind is gray too. I hate my mind because there’s still hope. I don’t want it. I want to be “normal”. Yet, I hate myself for wanting to give up. I’m so split that it’s driving me crazy. Honestly, I don’t know what to do. I hate myself.

I’m lonely. But we already knew that. It won’t change.

My mind drives me to dark places. As I write this, I’m angry at myself for crying. For me, crying is weakness, I’ve been mocked for crying so now, I hate crying. I sometimes get this strange feeling of lightness, it scares me.

But soon, when I’m out of bus, I’ll put on my smiley face, everything will be fine. My inner world won’t touch you, I won’t let you see it.

To the person from my home country, who regularly seems to check in here, if you know me, don’t worry. I’m fine. Last thing I want is to someone, whom I don’t pay to listen and deal with me, is to worry about me. Do not do that.

Monday blues.

Stress made me ill.

The week was too horrible, too stressful, too much.

On Sunday I felt dreadful of Monday. This is the first time in this job when I felt this terrible just because I had to go to work. So on Monday (though already on Sunday) I woke up ill. Thank my immune system, it’s nothing very serious but scared me anyway. I stayed home for two days. Spent money on pills, thank you insurance for paying for hospital.

Honestly, I didn’t want to return to work. Maybe it was just last week that took everything out of me. I didn’t sleep enough, I didn’t drink enough water, I didn’t walk enough (though I used a scooter). I didn’t do enough. I wasn’t enough at work too. I work in customer service, IT support, and there were days when I couldn’t help them, even on the

I wasn’t enough at work too. I work in customer service, IT support, and there were days when I couldn’t help them, even on the easiest thing. It made me believe that I wasn’t smart enough. I wasn’t helpful enough. On Friday I almost took it out on my co-workers. Everything annoyed me, I was so frustrated that I could’ve punched someone. Would that have helped? I doubt. See, in this work, we’re asked to work faster, answer calls for a shorter time, solve more and more cases. I have to switch between two languages. Already that is making everything harder. Brains sometimes overheat. Then comes all the thousands of programs, errors, problems we need to solve. Impatient customers, customers who don’t listen. In the beginning, when I started to work, it was easier. Now, our management makes us do more, for example, answer about access rights, even though there’s a SPECIFIC group for that, but, oh, they don’t want to deal with those questions. If only they had made instructions for managers about how to do THEIR job. Yeah, we often have to teach people how to do their damn job. Funny enough, even we don’t have enough instructions, quite often we improvise and guess what we should do. Then comes the program updates which usually cause more problems than solving them. Or the new programs, those often don’t work properly so again, we cannot work fast.  Also, we don’t have enough people, some 7 people left and what, only, 3 are hired. Doesn’t seem too horrible but the amount calls of are increasing. According to law, every two hours we are allowed to take 15 minutes break but do you think it’s possible? No. Of course, those who work on the other language line, they can do it. But for us 5 people? Pretty much no. Because we work on two lines. Very effing fair. See the difference, there are 15 people, some of them work on two lines, one of them calls a bit less. Then there’s the 6 (5 because one is the ‘elder’ and answers calls less) and we have to work on two lines, on one of them, the original I was hired for, call quite a lot. So, we don’t have time to relax. Lunch time is all we have. The noise, the damned open space office, I cannot hear the customer, I have to repeat everything twice or I cannot hear what the customer says.

I want to call it a poor management.

Now, I try to think what to do to not be in this situation again. I guess I’ll take my 15 minutes break matter how long the call line is. I’ll take fewer calls if that’s the way how to save my health. Not worry that much (pharmacy, here I come, I need sedatives).

I could try to speak more about it. But no one wants to hear it. I told about the noise but all I got was “You’ll get used to it”.

As much as I like the place, the people, the paycheck (not big enough for all the work we do), I don’t think it’s sane to stay there long. It’s a great place to learn and I have learned a lot, this is an amazing experience but I cannot kill myself (nervous breakdown every other Friday isn’t healthy) because of work.

I wish more people would understand that. ESPECIALLY THE ONES WHO ARE IN CHARGE OF THEIR EMPLOYEES. HR do your job!! Or does IT Support need to teach you that?

Read a quote. II

After a storm comes a calm.

– Matthew Henry

Yes but also no.

After the storm comes the coldness and then it gets better. Which is sort of calm but you still need to deal with the aftermath.  Yet, the storm can bring you somewhere worse and the calm is even scarier because you cannot tell what will follow, the eery calmness is intimidating.

In nature before the storm everything gets quiet, birds stop singing, it feels like the motion around you is on pause. Therefore could also say it’s calm. But this calmness doesn’t bring good, it brings the storm.

Sure, in a lot of cases when life gets into the stormy phase, afterwards comes smooth calm time. That is great if that happens, I know for sure. Storm teaches about ourselves, friends and family. Storm can show a lot. Storm shakes us, breaks us apart, brings somewhere else (might be a great place, might be an even worse storm), but never lets us relax. Calm, well, it does the same, I cannot disagree, but there’s something about that calm period that irks me. During calm, you can go into sort of brain dead state, no worries, no fights, no movement. Calm waters cannot move a sailboat. People’s heads are wrapped in blanket and bubble wrap. Though this state mostly happens to people who have born into calm. Those who have been born into the storm, we know how to live in both storm and calm. Though surely, we appreciate more the calm time, when we truly need to relax and sit down to breathe.

What does storm mean? Does it mean bad times, horrible days and ruined lives? Maybe it’s the action, the fight for something, the movement?

Do we need to look at the storm as a harmful phase or we could see it the phase full of opportunities?

Why does calm is considered good? There are cases when calm is the worst thing that could happen. Still, calm is one thing that we need to look for as it’s necessary for our wellbeing. Ships cannot go into storm all the time, (I live next to the sea so that’s why references to boats) sometimes the best act to do is stay on the shore.

One quote, so many questions.

Human – a number on the paper.

Humans have become numbers.

In everything human wants to see numbers.

Not humanity, kindness, how many people this could help.

Stats, stats, money, income, percents, spendings, more stats, grades, digit this, digit that…. etc, etc.

I know, I know, we need those things. But why numbers become more important than people? Humanity? Nature? Health?

We tend to see numbers first only then the human behind. I’m not here talking about price tags even though those are important too.

Look at this person, he has 3 higher educations, 10 years of work experience,5 publications. Do we care that he’s incredibly rude to his team? Mmm, not so much, he’s bringing up the stats!

Look at this company, earning millions every year, spending some too, but it’s for good publication. Do we care that employees are always stressed out, working in unhealthy work conditions, paying less than the employees in another country? What? We don’t need to talk about it, look at the stats! Look at that country,

Look at that country, its GDP is growing so fast! Do we care that its people are leaving the country because of corruption, high taxes, dumb government, unemployment? BUT LOOK AT THE GDP!

Look at that person, he has so many facebook and instagram followers, this person must be earning so much money! Do we care that the person is lonely (this isn’t me I’m talking about, I have like 20 instagram followers), pressured always look perfect and keep mouth shut? HEY, BUT THE FOLLOWERS AND MONEY!!!

Behind those numbers are people. If people become less important than numbers then something’s wrong.

If those numbers are doing nothing good to people then why they’re so important? Why do we don’t look behind those numbers?

H&M shirt costs only 5 euros, yet people who make them makes next to nothing and are working in awful conditions.

We get angry at McDonald’s employees because they don’t work fast enough (again, time is number), but do we realize that there’s no motivation in them to do things faster, they’re exhausted, they’re pressured to do almost impossible things,  they’re asked to reach high numbers while working 12 hours without being paid decently. (This time I won’t go into a question, why do they work there, then?)

I don’t know, maybe it’s just me who’s upset about this. Maybe it’s just me who cares more about people I help and not how fast I do do it. I just don’t want to be treated as just another number in the papers, as another damn expense.


In my bones.

I can be on my own, I don’t need people, right?

Pretty much all my life I’ve been alone. Family barely having time for me, in school first few years I sort of had friends, one of them constantly used me because I’m a kind, weak soul. After moving, there were no friends and family, as usual, had no time for me. Expect for a dad who tried to check my homework, but it usually ended with me crying.

So, I pretty much have been alone all my life. And I thought that I’m fine with that, which is sort of true.

Yet, this has made isolate myself. As I’ve previously mentioned, I am socially isolating myself. Just today, my brother came over with his family and I pretty much ignored them. I was trying to clean my room. Trying because it always ends with me being angry at myself that I can’t even clean a damn room, so I throw all the clothes back on the ground. Here’s a fun fact though, I think from all those times my brother&co came over, only one time he came to my room. All the other times, nothing. They don’t even invite me to eat with them. Today they were eating and my dad came over to ask me if I wanted to join them, I said no. Stubborn me.

It’s so annoying, that on one hand, I want to join them even though I barely can have a normal conversation with them, on the other hand, I want to ignore him just like he ignores me and my sister. Sometimes I feel like he thinks he’s superior to us. Maybe he is, who am I to think that I’m something in this family. Never have been, never will be.

I’m the youngest and least visible to any relative. If they meet me know, most of them keep saying the same crap “Oh, I remember you when you were 10….. I feel like you just graduated 9th grade…..” Surprise, I also grow up. Sorry, I haven’t made any big scandals, caused trouble and I’m paying my own university debt, unlike my siblings. Whenever I meet those people, it just proves my point even more, that I’m not really part of my own family.

So, how can I feel like I’m part of something if it’s in my core that I’ll never part of anything? I don’t know. I can be in a middle of a crowd and feel lonely. Then I hate myself for not trying hard enough. It always ends up with me hating myself.

According to scientists, lonely people die faster than others. So, maybe I won’t have to be lonely for long because I simply will die soon. Makes me feel relieved (this is sarcasm).

But to admit loudly, in words, that I’m lonely? Hah! Never. No one will hear that from my mouth in a conversation. Because what responses would I get – “You should go out more. You have a family. You could join something. You could do this and that.” Guess what? I’ve been thinking about those things, but they don’t help, it only deepens my self-hatred.

This feeling of loneliness is in my bones, it’s who I am. Maybe it’s too early to say so, but if I continue like this, I will die alone. And before I do that, I’d have a note – “No need to show up at my funeral. I’m fine on my own.”

The condition of being alone, especially when this makes you feel unhappy

Today as I was walking to train after work, a thought wandered in my head. All the way to train station I was, as usual having a discussion with myself about my mental health state. The thought that appeared was – I am socially and emotionally isolating myself.

See, I am an introvert, at least, that’s how I see myself, so spending time alone is a must for me. Therefore it’s quite easy to not see the problem.

How does social isolation feel for me? When you don’t want to see people, yet are upset when no one invites you anywhere. When you want to go out, but then remember how that person, whom you thought could be your friend, let you down, so you think every new person you meet and might like, will do the same. Wanting to newer again meet people, because all they do is give hope and then crush it. That moment when you see a nice event that sounds exciting, but then think that it’d be so stupid to go alone, and since you don’t have friends, might as well not go at all. Isolation when you hear your family having a good time, yet you’re sitting in a room, crying because you feel so damn alone yet cannot fight strength to go hang out with them.  When someone actually invites you somewhere, you keep thinking how you just don’t want to go, because it’ll only cause more pain.

Yes, social and emotional isolation is a defence mechanism. At least partially.

Why and how it happened to me? Easy. I moved from one place to another. In the new place, I had no close friends. For 12 year old it’s painful. I joined theatre, yet, still no close friendships. I had big problems in the family, therefore we weren’t close. There were days when I barely spoke in school. Imagine, from 9 to 15, and maybe two words were spoken, and they’re “Good morning” and “Bye” to teachers. I’m shy and quiet in new surroundings, so making friends was extremely hard, especially if most kids already bully you (by ignoring you, not including in any activity). See, I was invisible. I spent a lot of time alone. As I grew, it became a part of my life. Now, more than 10 years later, every time I see a group of friends, my head splits. On one hand, I really, really wish I could have something like that. On another hand, I keep thinking how much of an outsider would I be, how I would lose contact very fast. Because it also what has happened. Those few people whom I managed to let in my life…. well, they are gone. Because I pushed them away. Isolated from them both emotionally and socially. I always think that they don’t care about me, that if they want to meet me, it’s out of politeness. Also, I live sort of crappy place when it comes to going out. I don’t have a car (I have a bicycle, but the chance of it being stolen is far too big). Late night events or events after 21:40 (the last train that has a bus waiting for it) are out. 4km at night through woods ain’t much fun. Yet, as we know, most cool events end after 21:00.

In more specific words and definitions- what is it. It’s when you spend days at home, avoid any social interactions, not talking to close ones or friends, or any people. Though, it’s normal to have days when you don’t want to see anyone, let alone talk, isolation happens when you lock yourself inside for days. When you finally meet people, conversations are sort of empty, superficial. Loneliness and abandonment fears, social anxiety becomes your companions. Then emotional isolation seeps in.

Emotions are locked up, you become “numb” and if someone tries to offer any emotional support, you are unable to receive, you just…. well…. thank and leave.

Realising this is one thing, to fix this is another. I am slowly coming up with a plan. Be more open with people, every month try to attend at least two bigger social events, go out alone more, even if it’s a walk through the city. Maybe even try to find a place to socialise more on the internet. I wish I could have nice discussions, lengthy and smart. I crave for meaningful conversations.

It’s hard to admit that you have this problem, but, I guess, once it’s done, I can begin to think how to deal with it. How to explain to others, so they don’t feel bad (which makes me feel bad, oh, the vicious circle….). I don’t want you to feel bad, I only want you to realise and reach out.

I spend few cents, guilt comes over.

Few days ago I went into a shop and bought myself  a new phone. Just like that.

It was planned as I needed I new phone, but still it felt unbelievable.

I myself earned money for it, no one gave it to me.

After buying I felt really good. But then came my best friend.


Guilt that I spent money. Guilt that I didn’t save it.

See, I never had a lot of money, hell, I barely had any money. I was always told to save up for worse days, save for something bigger, better…. When other kids had pocket money, they spent it on sweets, cinema. If my parents gave me a bit of money, I saved it as much as I could, I was a little girl who barely ever bought sweets.

Therefore now when I earn money, enough to buy a phone (which wasn’t the most expensive but still), I feel happiness and guilt at the same time.

Money is meant to be spent. I haven’t learned that, because all I know is save, save, save even more, do not spend money on yourself. I’m not saying saving isn’t beneficial, but paranoiac saving doesn’t do any good either. I hate to spend money, even if I spend more money on lunch, I tell myself “Oh, next week, month I can’t spend this much”. And I actually try to do it, I only buy lunch and try to fit price in very small frame.

Same as, I spend money on things that I actually need, like winter boots, haircut, but I still get that feeling that I could save it, buy cheaper things, not buy at all. I would like to change my style, but every time I think of spending money on clothes, I get sick.

And then I feel bad because I’m like this. I ruin my good moments with guilt. Only because I’m still stuck in time when I didn’t have anything. It’s incredibly frustrating that my mind does this and that I allow him to do it. I don’t want to feel guilty every time I spend money, money that I earned myself.

I’m learning that spending money on things I need is not something to feel guilty about. And that I still can save money.



I read a quote.

When you complain, you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation, change the situation, or accept it. All else is madness.

Eckhart Tolle
I noticed this quote by accident and I felt some thoughts beginning to run in my head.
Am I a  victim when I complain? Yes, I guess, but no, I’m not either.
I complain a lot. I try not to, but I do. But not always complaining is bad.
Maybe sometimes I want to be the victim. Maybe through my complain,  I want people to notice that something is wrong. I think complains could possibly be a cry for help. Because often I complain in situations where I have no idea how to change it, how to react to it, how to deal with it. And I would like someone to tell me what should I do, or simply show me a way, a direction where to think. Basically, I need help.
And we know how hard it is to ask for help.
He gives those three solutions, but what if I can’t use any of those options? Acceptance should be earned, okay, not always, but I can’t accept everything I complain about. Same as, I can’t leave everything. Change the situation? What it’ll cost me? My mental health? Money I don’t have?
I agree, quite often people complain about very mmm, trivial things. “Oh, my boyfriend gave me 1 rose instead of 99, what an ass!” “Oh, my parents didn’t give me iPhone (put the newest number here, because I have no clue about the newest number :)) for my birthday!” “Oh, my, there is sand on the beach! I want to complain to the government.”
Scientists argue (and we know that they argue about everything, which is awesome because it always leads to more arguments and drives the world further) that complaining can be good and can be harmful. One says that complaining leads to creative solutions, other says that complaining is terrible for the body.
But for the bigger part, I agree with the quote. And that too much complaining is really bad. Don’t be that friend who only complains and whines that hair stylist cut her hair 0,03 mm shorter than she wanted.
Ugh, picking letters for words is so hard, why can’t I just pick some random letters and everyone will still understand what I want to say. 😀