“95. I think I know life.”

More than once I’ve been told “What can a twenty-something know about life? What have you experienced?”

It upsets and angers me.

Is there like an “certain” age when I’m supposed to be like “Yes, now I know about life, now I’ve experienced everything”?

Yes, I’m aware that a lot of people are using “You don’t know my life, so don’t judge me” as an excuse for, let’s say, not so smart life choices. So, it sort of becomes a stupid cliche.

And those who actually mean it, because there really is a story behind, sometimes tragic, traumatic, sad, hurtful, are hurt because someone allows himself/herself think that they know better.

Guess what? No, you don’t know better.

We all have our stories. At any age.

A 5 year old maybe have experienced more pain than a 25 year old.

A 23 year old maybe have struggled more than 40 year old.

Experiences doesn’t have age.

Yes, I might be young, but I know some stuff, been through some stuff.

But what do I know about life? I’m too young to talk about it, right?

Please, judge me, because you’re way older than I am. You’ve seen everything.


What is that, a friend?

I hate that question, ‘do you have friends? Does you friends at home miss you?’

Why sometimes it’s easier to say that you don’t have friends?

Maybe it’s just me who does that. I say that I don’t have friends even though I kind a have a few (at least they consider them as such :)).

I guess it’s because it hurts less.

I’m so used to the fact that people, whom I consider as a friends, suddenly just leave me. Don’t call, ‘are always busy’, when I try to keep in contact, answers in one or two words…. So, I give up. And they let me.

So, that I guess means, that they weren’t real friends.

Maybe it’s my personality. Sometimes not the easiest, nicest, most emphatic…. And shy, introvert, sarcastic little outsider creature….

I don’t know who to call a friend. What is the definition of friend? Who do you call as friend, best friend?