“95. I think I know life.”

More than once I’ve been told “What can a twenty-something know about life? What have you experienced?”

It upsets and angers me.

Is there like an “certain” age when I’m supposed to be like “Yes, now I know about life, now I’ve experienced everything”?

Yes, I’m aware that a lot of people are using “You don’t know my life, so don’t judge me” as an excuse for, let’s say, not so smart life choices. So, it sort of becomes a stupid cliche.

And those who actually mean it, because there really is a story behind, sometimes tragic, traumatic, sad, hurtful, are hurt because someone allows himself/herself think that they know better.

Guess what? No, you don’t know better.

We all have our stories. At any age.

A 5 year old maybe have experienced more pain than a 25 year old.

A 23 year old maybe have struggled more than 40 year old.

Experiences doesn’t have age.

Yes, I might be young, but I know some stuff, been through some stuff.

But what do I know about life? I’m too young to talk about it, right?

Please, judge me, because you’re way older than I am. You’ve seen everything.