Bye 2017

2017 is almost over.

I previously wrote about achievements and how I don’t have any.

I was wrong.

This is the first year I’ve had a real job.

I’ve earned my own money that I spent on things I wanted. I wrote that buying jacket and boots is not an achievement, but it actually is. Since childhood I told myself that one day I’ll buy myself warm jacket and boots, in 2017 I did it.

I went on 2 trips, one of them totally paid by me. One of them was with my dad.

One of personal achievements is that I spent 5 days in another country, alone. My first vacation. Why it’s such a big deal? As we know, I’ve been socially isolated for most of my life so getting out of the house isn’t easy for me.  Even though I went there alone, I felt good. It was scary, the hostel wasn’t the best (read more reviews) but I did it.

This year I supported my family financially.

I’ve grown, I’m learning new things about myself.

I’ve stood up more for what I want instead of always doing what others want for me.

I’ve been drawing more, crafting more.

I’ve been suggesting ideas at work, one is currently in motion, others are considered.


Of course, it hasn’t been all easy and happy (my previous posts prove that). But I’m sure that next year I will work more on my mental health. Wanting to die every other week is no fun.


But all in all, 2017, thank you.


“95. I think I know life.”

More than once I’ve been told “What can a twenty-something know about life? What have you experienced?”

It upsets and angers me.

Is there like an “certain” age when I’m supposed to be like “Yes, now I know about life, now I’ve experienced everything”?

Yes, I’m aware that a lot of people are using “You don’t know my life, so don’t judge me” as an excuse for, let’s say, not so smart life choices. So, it sort of becomes a stupid cliche.

And those who actually mean it, because there really is a story behind, sometimes tragic, traumatic, sad, hurtful, are hurt because someone allows himself/herself think that they know better.

Guess what? No, you don’t know better.

We all have our stories. At any age.

A 5 year old maybe have experienced more pain than a 25 year old.

A 23 year old maybe have struggled more than 40 year old.

Experiences doesn’t have age.

Yes, I might be young, but I know some stuff, been through some stuff.

But what do I know about life? I’m too young to talk about it, right?

Please, judge me, because you’re way older than I am. You’ve seen everything.