I read a quote.

When you complain, you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation, change the situation, or accept it. All else is madness.

Eckhart Tolle
I noticed this quote by accident and I felt some thoughts beginning to run in my head.
Am I a  victim when I complain? Yes, I guess, but no, I’m not either.
I complain a lot. I try not to, but I do. But not always complaining is bad.
Maybe sometimes I want to be the victim. Maybe through my complain,  I want people to notice that something is wrong. I think complains could possibly be a cry for help. Because often I complain in situations where I have no idea how to change it, how to react to it, how to deal with it. And I would like someone to tell me what should I do, or simply show me a way, a direction where to think. Basically, I need help.
And we know how hard it is to ask for help.
He gives those three solutions, but what if I can’t use any of those options? Acceptance should be earned, okay, not always, but I can’t accept everything I complain about. Same as, I can’t leave everything. Change the situation? What it’ll cost me? My mental health? Money I don’t have?
I agree, quite often people complain about very mmm, trivial things. “Oh, my boyfriend gave me 1 rose instead of 99, what an ass!” “Oh, my parents didn’t give me iPhone (put the newest number here, because I have no clue about the newest number :)) for my birthday!” “Oh, my, there is sand on the beach! I want to complain to the government.”
Scientists argue (and we know that they argue about everything, which is awesome because it always leads to more arguments and drives the world further) that complaining can be good and can be harmful. One says that complaining leads to creative solutions, other says that complaining is terrible for the body.
But for the bigger part, I agree with the quote. And that too much complaining is really bad. Don’t be that friend who only complains and whines that hair stylist cut her hair 0,03 mm shorter than she wanted.
Ugh, picking letters for words is so hard, why can’t I just pick some random letters and everyone will still understand what I want to say. 😀